‘Thoughts control your world,be a firm guardian of your thought,make certain it is of the highest quality’-Robin Sharma The little boy was engrossed in a sheer joy of his highhandedness over a bird on the tree. He was seated on his bicycle, with his neck craned upwards, his mouth opened and closed as a crow’s beak as he made strange caw, cah sounds. It looked like a crow on the tree had befriended the little boy as it cawed back. The boy cawed again, the bird looked down and cawed at him, both were deeply involved in their chat, it was a breathtaking sight with the boy basking in the morning sun rays. None of the by passers watched him. A few morning walkers come for their walk, regularly, but many a times it looks as if the exercise is a troublesome task. Many use the opportunity to gossip destroying the serenity of a walk with their anxious high-pitched talk. A few others have earphones stuffed in their ears, leading them into...
Enthralling Trails is a beautiful journey that focuses the simplicity of life through inspiring narratives