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Showing posts from April, 2015

Entice a Readiness

β€œThe best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”     H. Jackson Brown The street lights shimmered ,  the deep red sky was waning into darkness, yet the evening was bright at seven. The  illumination added its glow alleviating everyone to enjoy the lush, cool gentle wind on that hot summer evening. The venue was  the newly built road that would be soon connected to the Mumbai Pune highway, connecting Chinchwad to Mumbai. For now, one of  the four well laid roads was being used by the Pradhikaran  skating club members. There was plastic cone stands kept all around to avoid traffic and driving on that particular wing of the road. The central mounted path had well lit neon street lights glowing in the gently sloping twilight. Children aged between five to twelve skated on the road from one end to the other. The stretch must have been a little more than a kilometer, the boys and girls protected themselves with helmets, knee caps, an...

Soiled Clothes

 Reflect upon your present blessings -- of which every man has many -- not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”   ―   Charles Dickens She stopped, and eyed woefully at the few more soiled clothes that were thrown carelessly into the sparsely grassed ground. There was a granite stone, raised and plastered to a square that was being used to hurl, and  rhythmically beat the soiled clothes to release the dirt from it.  It reminded me of the action of soap, which says that soaking of clothes is a must for the removal of dirt.  The less water used could have never helped in cleaning  There were two plastic buckets left out after  mixing the distemper paints to paint walls. In India, even the disposable are definitely reused. The buckets too, as such landed in the yard after their use in the new multistory complex. While  one  of the buckets contained some water, the other one was being used...