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Showing posts from December, 2018

The First Flight

“Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.” Napoléon Bonaparte  The banyan tree and the other large trees were cut down, the tractor and the levelling machines rolled in at a high speed to clear the agricultural land into a residential place. It was technically named NA, a non-agricultural land by the local municipal authorities after authenticating and making it legal on a stamp paper. The grass and the broken stump of the trees, however, tried to regrow after a few days owing to the excessive water supply on the land, but they were slaughtered with the spade and the axe till the last remains of the roots dried in the cemented foundation. The cleared earth was transformed within months into a dwelling area with its peaks growing higher than the nearby independent bungalows. Every bit of the earth was cemented and plastered except a central 100 metre which was raised and filled with sand and mud. It was then lined with pal...