“Bite hard, backwards, not on your front teeth, but on your jawline,” she kept saying. I followed the instructions twice, rehearsed but failed to bite. “Start mixing the dental mix once again, and use yellow colour”, she told the assistant. Something is wrong. ‘Please give ma’am the mirror. Look into the mirror and bite on your lower jaw,’ she said After listening to her, I held the mirror in my hand. I felt bad for bothering her. The dental cement was ready once again. Now she repeated the instructions and said, ‘chew hard backwards on your jaw’. I bit into the cement-like I never had before in order to make sure it was just right. The dental assistants looked down at me hopeful. There was a deep silence as they kept waiting for the impression. Finally, she said, ‘Perfect’. I felt blood flow in my body with ease. ‘As your crown is a ceramic one, let us check the colour.’ I kept watching the dentist. There was great zeal and enthusiasm as she worked. It was during the pandemic tha...
Enthralling Trails is a beautiful journey that focuses the simplicity of life through inspiring narratives