In bud, or blade, or bloom, may find A meaning suited to his mind.~Alfred Tennyson
It was dismal dark, the sky was overcast with clouds, the intense
afternoon’s warmth outside had abruptly
cooled , the whole scenario was picturesque and exquisite with the sky
changing its hues, sky blue to deep purple to grey, there were shades of scarlet and indigo too. The weary men and
women in the huge ground surrounding the brick kiln had a cheerful countenance as
the weather conditions transformed dramatically into a dreamy one making the young and the old idyllic. I began stirring in and out
of the porch drawing in mouthful of air while
savouring nature in the startling thunderstorm.
J Krishnamurti in the speaking tree column says ‘to understand beauty ,is to have
a sense of goodness which comes when the mind and heart is common.’ Who
must not have found the surroundings scenic that day, every living form seemed
elated in anticipation of the unexpected
shower . A pair of pigeons were back to
their nest earlier than usual to nourish their young ones much before their
time. The sky turned darker than ever, and lo behold , it rained hailstones in
the mont h of March
. My son who was exhausted after his online exams was quiescent, only to be
woken up by his excited mother dragging
him out saying ‘it nev er
rains hail’, and so did all mothers tug
their kids who tried to catch the hailstones and gulp it. Within twenty minutes
the whole of our lawned area glistened with tiny diamond shaped hailstones, mothers
with their little children hurried down the stairs with small steel bowls, they
picked the hail and heaped it in the
bowl, and clicked photographs to share it with their kith and kin. I sluggishly
wandered to get something on film from the third floor to flaunt the beauty of
nature while I thanked God to be blessed
to witness the appealing environment.
The next day newspapers spoke about the destruction of crops
especially oran ges
, grapes , pomegranates and mangoes. I wondered whether the news was true.
Could nature be heavenly for one and dreadful for another?
The joy of
the hail storm was so exuberant that the reality was forgotten. Perhaps sorrow is felt only when it thumps the person but joyfulness,
especially that which concerns nature is
felt by all binding us naively in that ecstasy.
A few days back
the news heading “Hell Storm” caught my
attention. I read it totally as I saw pictures of farmer showing shrivelled
grapes, uprooted and trampled young
banana plants, mounds of half done
pomegranates, and a lot regarding the loss each farmer in many of the districts
in Maharashtra had experienced. They said the
euphoria ,exultation and their
expectations for a bumper crop fostered for mont hs were ruined in twenty minutes. I
remembered that they were the same twenty minutes when we had savoured the hailstones.
A farmer said he had to sell the crop of
pomegranates for as low as rupees 25000
when he had been hopeful for a fifty lakhs. I felt sad but did nothing.
J Krishna murti says
that “a shallow mind cannot experience the welling of immense joy upon looking at something when
the mind is merely concerned with itself or its own activities it is not
beautiful, a mind which is not caught up in its own desires or driven by its own pusuit of success has
inward goodness”.
Perhaps while
enjoying the bountiful nature, each one
of us needs to be benevolent in sharing
affluence with the unfortunate ones to
bring true significance of magnificence in our lives just as the unbiased
nature which showers its bounties on the
rich and the poor evenly.
I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright. ~Henry David Thoreau
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